Fear of Dogs Therapy

Fear of Dogs Therapy

Do you feel anxious when thinking of being exposed to a dog? Imagine having the confidence to visit family members or friends who have dogs. You can overcome your fear of dogs in 4 extremely effective online sessions from home.

dogs scare you? let's change that. Overcome your fear of dogs - with Fear of dogs therapy - online therapy - online hypnosis / hypnotherapy for cynophobia treatment Australia. Get rid of your fear of dogs in 4 enjoyable online sessions from the comfort of your home with Breeze Hypnotherapy Australia & Ireland

Why do I fear dogs?

That depends on your story, but this will be fully explained to you at your initial consultation. Generally speaking, there are three ways you can acquire a phobia of dogs.

Experience – you developed your fear based on a specific encounter with a dog earlier in life.  Perhaps you were attacked or frightened suddenly by an aggressive dog

Observation – you witnessed the reaction of someone close to you, perhaps a parent or sibling who was terrified of dogs.

Imagination – If you have a general high level of anxiety you can develop a phobia just by imagining the worse case scenario with an encounter with a dog.

Is there a phobia of dogs?

Cynophobia is the technical name for a fear of dogs. Most people have a natural caution around dogs.  Some people suffer from a stronger fear response. One that kicks in automatically at the slightest hint that a dog is in the area. This can be frustrating because other people may assume you can ‘calm yourself down’ or ‘snap out of it’.  

Are you suffering from Cynophobia? 

You can’t be spontaneous about visiting relatives or friends? Nor can you simply exercise or relax in the outdoors? Because you feel extremely anxious when thinking of being exposed to a dog. Then you’re most likely cynphobic. It’s understandable that you will try to avoid any situation where you might be around a dog. This condition is surprisingly common. It affects for instance around 7-9% of the population in the US.

How can you overcome your fear of dogs with hypnosis?

Breeze’s fear of dogs therapy can help you to feel more relaxed in the company of dogs. You will have four online sessions, each lasting one hour. You will learn how your fear of dogs has developed to help you understand the process. In hypnosis, you will be in a relaxed state, but aware of everything that happens.

What does trance feel like? 

Hypnosis is natural, somewhat like day-dreaming.  It’s something we all do several times a day without realizing it! You don’t need to believe that the therapy will work, you only need to want to change. When you are free from your dog phobia you will have the confidence to go wherever you want. This will positively impact all areas of your life.

How does the therapy work?

The phobia sessions are hourly, once a week for four weeks.

Session 1 “Initial Consultation”

At the first session, we discuss your fear in detail.  Your therapist will explain to you how the brain works and how you developed the phobia in the first place. Knowledge is power and this will give you confidence in the process. You will receive a bedtime audio track to listen to nightly for the duration of your treatment. This supports the process and aids restful sleep.

Session 2 “Introduction to hypnosis”

Session 2 is a combination of talking therapy and hypnosis. Hypnosis or trance is a natural state of consciousness, a bit like the day-dreaming. Your therapist will ask you lie back, close your eyes and listen.  You will relax as she guides you to your safe space within.  Here you have the key to your recovery from this life limiting fear.

Session 3 “The rewind”

Session 3 involves the ‘rewind’ method.  Your therapist will guide you to your safe space (within your consciousness). While you relax, you will replay one or two of your previous experiences with dogs in a dissociative way.  This is like watching yourself in a movie so that you still feel safe and comfortable.  This confuses the brain and makes the old pattern related to the phobia unreadable.

Session 4 “The reframe”

In session 4, we work together to create your new positive behaviour around dogs.   We play through this scenario under hypnosis.  This creates a new automatic response when you are in the company of a dog in the future. Come and see for yourself what a simple and effective process this is. It will leave you wondering what other things you may be capable of!

fear of dogs therapy illustration

What does the fear of dogs therapy cost?

You can pick from two available therapy plans:

What is the bonus confidence audio track?

How is your life going to change?

What if you could do the things you want and need to do with ease?  Have you noticed that how you think causes a lot of the stress? 100% of my clients at some point will express a desire to ‘live in the moment’. Imagine how relaxed you could be if you could slow everything down and be completely present.

Is this confidence boost right for you?

Right here, right now in this very moment, we will cope with anything that comes along. We always do, right?  Thoughts can increase anxiety in any situation. “I’ll never get it all done in time”, “it’s never good enough”, “Why is it always me”.  Sound familiar? It can seem that these thoughts arise from us, but when you sit back and think about it, that’s not the case. You can observe your thoughts when you pay attention rather than engage with them.

We all develop limiting beliefs.  Through our experiences and observation of our environment, we will pick up beliefs and patterns that shape, how we see and interact with the world.  Some of these beliefs can be inappropriate and hold us back from doing the things we want to do. Limiting beliefs will direct our behaviour.  Thoughts are one of the ways the mind keeps us within ‘safe’ boundaries. But, what if those boundaries hold you back from what you want to do? Or stop you performing at your very best – well now, that’s no good is it?

How does the audio track work?

The Breeze Hypnotherapy Confidence Boost track is a deeply relaxing bedtime audio.  The language patterns will help you to think differently about any changes you would like to make in your life. Listening to the track nightly for three weeks or more, will build and reinforce positive affirmations that will gradually but noticeably change how you think and feel. It will help to reduce anxiety and provide a boost to your confidence so that you can apply for that job, end that relationship or book that holiday! What a difference it will make when you actually consider doing something different!

Imagine the scene – a slim smiling woman just back from her early morning run – the picture of health.  White leggings and crop top highlighting her perfect abs and tight thighs, preparing a super-smoothie using brightly colored fresh fruit and vegetables. You’re drawn to these images all the time, but you don’t believe deep down that you could ever be that slim or even fit in a run every morning. So everyday you get up bleary-eyed and reach for the cup of tea and bit of toast. You make the odd effort to join a gym or do a few online yoga classes, but it isn’t long before you’re back to the same old routine.

The Breeze confidence boost track will help you to think about your life differently. You will feel able to make simple, small realistic changes in your lifestyle that will slowly but surely move you towards your overall goal.  As you start to push the boundaries on what you believe is possible, you will naturally turn your attention to the next step and the next…. Change doesn’t have to be a struggle when you choose to think about it differently. Try it for yourself today.

Do you live in Australia? This is how you benefit

Imagine having your therapy in the comfort of your home at a time that suits you.  The time difference between Ireland and Australia is ideal for therapist and client. Book your session in the evening when you’re already home from work and the kids are in bed!

What do I need to get started?

Whether you are younger or older, live in Australia or Ireland, you can avail of this therapy. This is what you need to get started:

  • A  Device (a smartphone, tablet or PC) that you can download Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams on.
  • A credit or debit card to make your online payment (You’ll receive a payment link)
  • A desire to escape your fear of dogs
Therapy at home. Dogs scare you? let's change that. Overcome your fear of dogs - with Fear of dogs therapy - online therapy - online hypnosis / hypnotherapy for cynophobia treatment Australia. Get rid of your fear of dogs in 4 enjoyable online sessions from the comfort of your home with Breeze Hypnotherapy Australia & Ireland

What clients say

Cynophobia is real! I have lived with it for many years, admittedly long before I even knew that a fear of dogs was called Cynophobia. I grew up with dogs and in a town where  dogs wandered the streets without a leash. Dogs were always an extension of our community. I was cautious around dogs but never afraid until I was attacked by a German Shepard. I say attacked because the dog jumped on me from behind, and I fell down steps. He ripped at my clothes, but thankfully he didn’t manage to break my skin. I left this experience shaken, bruised ribs and a new fear of dogs!

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into years the fear turned into a phobia. Even though my logical intellectual part of my brain would tell me that all was good, that I was safe etc. it had got beyond being uncomfortable when a dog barked or jumped. I had an irrational response, and it was becoming more and more frequent.

I would look at a dog and think “it is a lovely dog, I know these people, I am safe but physically my body would react in a different way. I would break out in a sweat, my hands would sweat, my heart would race, and I would want to get out of there! And I often did …my husband became my protector. My sisters and friends would check out the surrounding areas to make sure I was “safe”. They jokingly called themselves “Paw patrol“. I hated living with this. My children were picking up on my fear and I didn’t want this to happen.

I reached out to Deirdriu at Breeze Hypnotherapy and skeptically asked for help. Despite my desire to really want my sessions to be a success, I feared that my skepticism would hinder my progress.

dogs scare you? let's change that. Overcome your fear of dogs - with Fear of dogs therapy - online therapy - online hypnosis / hypnotherapy for cynophobia treatment Australia. Get rid of your fear of dogs in 4 enjoyable online sessions from the comfort of your home with Breeze Hypnotherapy Australia & Ireland

With only four sessions my life changed for the better. Asking for help is not always easy but Deirdriu  has such a non-judgmental approach that she makes it seem easy. Deirdriu’s intelligent responses, her listening skills combined with her gentle calming voice make the sessions fly by. After only four sessions my physical response to dogs has changed drastically. I am shocked at how effective the sessions were. I literally went from running away from a dog to letting a dog eat a treat out of my hand!

If you are living with a phobia, please reach out to Deirdriu- I promise you won’t regret this! My sessions were through zoom, so distance is not even a factor! Thank you, seems so inadequate for the gratitude that I feel towards Deirdriu for this life-changing experience.

– Fionnuala, past fear of dogs therapy client at Breeze 

Who is your therapist? 

My name is Deirdriu, mother of 4 children, one dog and several mischievous chickens! Also, wife to Brian. We live in the quiet village of Fahan in the Inishowen peninsula in Co Donegal, Ireland.

Since I was a little girl I always cared for people and their well-being. But I have not always been a Hypnotherapist. Once upon a time, I was a Housing Officer for almost two decades. Until visiting the GP with strange and unexplained symptoms became my new normal. I hadn’t yet realized that I was suffering from chronic stress.

Back then I would have loved to take a break, step into the next flight to Spain and relax at the beach. But sadly no! The mere thought of flying would have my heart pumping. There was so much I needed to resolve. So, I tried Hypnotherapy for the very first time as a client. It worked immediately, I lost my fear of flying. But I had no understanding of how it worked at the time.

Today I love learning more about neuroscience, holistic therapies and even quantum physics! Hypnotherapy changed my whole life. It inspired brave and fulfilling changes in my life. I no longer feel sick and in need of a doctor. Quite the contrary! I am training three times a week. My goal is to run a Marathon in Iceland in the year 2022 with my husband (who is a very dedicated runner). I’m so happy to feel like myself again.  I love my job as a Hypnotherapist because I can help other people to help themselves too. Finally, living a fear free life full of curiosity and joy.

Arrange your 1st session and overcome your fear of dogs.

9 + 1 =

Fear of dogs therapy - online therapy - online hypnosis / hypnotherapy to overcome your fear of dogs - cynophobia treatment / therapy - Breeze Hypnotherapy Ireland and Australia - Online Therapy to get rid of your fear of dogs: Imagine you can meetanyone, anywhere, anytime.Because you finally feelrelaxed around dogs. - Breeze Hypnotherapy
fear of dogs therapy illustration