Achieve personal goals, overcome anxiety, OCD, Depression, Phobias and addiction with Breeze Hypnotherapy.  Deirdriu Murray is based in Inishowen and serves the Derry/ Donegal area whilst also offering online therapy to those further afield.

Achieve personal goals, overcome anxiety, OCD, Depression, Phobias and addiction with Breeze Hypnotherapy.  Deirdriu Murray is based in Inishowen and serves the Derry/ Donegal area whilst also offering online therapy to those further afield.



Do you feel stuck in a rut? Unable to make the change(s) you want to lead a more satisfying, fulfilled life?  Solution -focused hypnotherapy can help you to think in a fundamentally different way about the changes you wish to make.  It is a gentle, non-invasive and enjoyable therapy that can be extremely effective in a relatively short period of time.

I use a combination of solution focused psychotherapeutic techniques with trance and give you the lasting tools you need to make and maintain positive changes and transform your mindset.  This is a collaborative approach between client and therapist and requires commitment to achieve optimum success. The focus in therapy is on moving forward in a solution-focused way rather than going over the problem that may have caused you to seek help in the first place.  This makes it a very attractive therapy to many clients as you don’t even need to necessarily tell me what the problem is for us to work together!  Trance is very ordinary in many ways, it’s a state rather like day-dreaming but I ask you to lie back with your eyes closed so that you fully enjoy this deeply relaxing experience.

I use the very latest neuroscientific findings to give you an easily understood explanation of how the brain works and how we develop inappropriate and unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour.  You will be an active participant in your therapy and everything will be explained in detail all the way along, so that you can get the absolute best from this experience.  This process is all about giving you back control of your life.

I can help you with weight loss/gain, anxiety, depression, addiction, confidence and self-esteem, chronic pain, smoking cessation and much, much more.  If you don’t see your issue listed please contact me to see if I can help.


  • Generalised anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Fears and phobias
  • Social anxiety
  • Performance anxiety
  • Sleep issues


  • Low mood
  • Low self esteem
  • Lack of motivation
  • Sleep issues


  • Smoking cessation (one-off session lasting 1.5-2 hours)
  • Control your alcohol

Personal goals

  • Weight loss/gain
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increase self esteem
  • Sports performance

First contact

How can I help you?

  • Reach me via email/ phone
  • I will generally respond within 1 working day
  • Initial Consultation cost €60
  • Smoking cessation costs €140 (Deposit of €50 payable on booking)
  • All other sessions cost €60 per session.

Initial Consultation

  • In person
  • Online
  • 50-60 minutes duration
  • No trance until follow-up session
  • Information gathering
  • Detailed explanation of how the brain works, how symptoms can develop and how Hypnotherapy helps
  • Personal therapy plan for you
  • Free audio download to use nightly during treatment

1st and Follow-up sessions

  • Weekly 50-60 minute sessions
  • Personalised therapy pre-trance
  • Trance lasting approximately 25 minutes

How does it work? 

Please contact me by phone or email or in the contact section of this website to enquire about my service, ascertain if I can help and book your Initial Consultation today.

The Initial Consultation and each follow-up session lasts for 1 hour with the exception of the Smoking Cessation treatment – this is a one-off session lasting 2 hours approximately.

We will meet in my clinic in Fahan, Inishowen or we can arrange your sessions online via the Zoom app.

Sessions are generally once weekly and the average length of treatment is between 8 – 12 weeks, although this can extend depending on specific circumstances.  Specific Phobias can usually be resolved in four sessions, but again this depends on individual circumstances.

You the Client are the best judge of when your treatment is finished. Sometimes people find they resolve their initial issue to find they want to go further and tackle even more!

Success is not guaranteed as full client commitment is important. This will be explained in more detail in the Initial Consultation.



What clients say


Phobia treatment
(online therapy)     

I had a severe phobia of dogs.  Despite my desire to really want my sessions to be a success I feared that my sceptisim would hinder my progress.

Asking for help is not always easy but Deirdriu has such a non-judgmental approach that she makes it seem easy. Deirdriu’s intelligent responses, her listening skills combined with her gentle calming voice make the sessions fly by . After only four sessions my physical response to dogs has changed drastically. I am shocked at how effective the sessions were. I literally went from running out a door to letting a dog eat a treat out of my hand!


General sessions for anxiety related issues
(online therapy)     

I was unsure if virtual meetings would be effective! I was pleasantly surprised and I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself in to! I was amazed that everything was so professional and how much I looked forward to the weekly sessions!

This was the best experience I had during Covid 19 quarantine! I didn’t even realize how much I had been holding on to from my past and what I was worried about for my future until I talked things out with Dee! I loved every minute especially the meditation. I felt confident and ready to face each week after our conversations.


Panic Attacks
(Combination in person &
online therapy)          

I just had previously been to CBT the year prior, then when the panic attacks came back I started to really feel like nothing could help me get rid of them. But since speaking with Dee and focusing on the therapy she set out – it got rid of any hesitation I had.  it was amazing and helpful from the very start.

I absolutely loved it, the night- time Audios really helped me focus and get a good night’s sleep. I learned the importance of taking time out for me and actually with the help of Dee helped me stop thinking negativity and gain more positive thinking and outcomes. It was beyond helpful and I 100% would recommend it to anyone.


Smoking cessation
(online therapy)     

I worried that it wouldn’t work!  I was a smoker for over 30 years and I was a bit sceptical about hypnotherapy working. After the session I had absolutely no cravings whatsoever. It was an amazing experience. I’m now a non-smoker for over a month and I am still amazed at how well it’s worked! Deirdriu was amazing and I’d recommend Breeze for anything that you feel you need assistance with.


Self-esteem/ confidence
(Combination in person &
online therapy)     

Prior to starting my understanding of hypnotherapy led me to believe that I would be hypnotised (like the stage shows), which isn’t the case. After the first introduction that was cleared up.

My experience was enlightening and educational. It’s enlightened me to be thankful, reflective and positive towards myself and others. It was educational for how a simple thought change could ripple into a wave of change and positivity.


General sessions for Depression   

My only concerns were about doing something new. I didn’t know much about Hypnotherapy when I started but I’m so glad I gave it a chance.

My experience was extremely helpful in addressing my issue. I had lost a baby over Christmas and just couldn’t see my way out of how I was feeling. Hypnotherapy helped me to really think about what had happened and how I was going to learn to cope with it.

the key to unlock
your true potential
lies within you


Deirdriu Murray

Bsc, DSFH, HPD, NCH(reg)

I am a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist in the field of Solution focused hypnotherapy and I live with my young family in the beautiful Inishowen Penninsula in Co Donegal.  For many years I worked in Social Housing and through my work, discovered a love of helping people to feel better about issues they can’t control.  I attended a hypnotherapist some years ago for a fear of flying and immediately booked a foreign holiday after only 2 sessions.  I was intrigued about how simple and effective it was!

I trained with the Clifton Practice in Belfast, a recognised centre of excellence for hypnotherapy, and am registered with the Association for Solution focused Hypnotherapists and the National Council for Hypnotherapy. I am fully insured with Balen’s Specialist Insurance Brokers and I am GDPR compliant in all my practices.

I am committed to constantly keeping up-to-date with continued professional development to ensure I can offer my clients the best service and information available

I have turned my own life around practicing what I preach and I’m keen to help as many others as possible to enjoy the benefits of acquiring a lasting fresh perspective on life.

try now for free

Guided Relaxation

As an important part of the process clients will be asked to listen to an audio download nightly just before sleep.  The audio track lasts around 25 minutes and is a guided relaxation track with various metaphorical word patterns that assist with the overall process.  Lie down in a comfortable place, close you eyes, put on your earphones and sample this deeply relaxing experience for yourself.

Guided relaxation

by Deirdriu Murray | Clinical Hypnotherapy

Frequently asked questions



How long are the sessions in duration?

The Initial consultation and the follow up sessions are all 1 hour long

How many sessions will I need?

Smoking cessation is a one-off two hour session, Specific phobias can be resolved in 4 sessions and everything else will take on average 8-12 sessions, sometimes more depending on circumstances.

Who can you see?

I will see Clients of all ages from age 12 upwards.  I will do my best to facilitate clients who may require special access arrangements, please contact me to discuss in detail

Can sessions be done online?

Yes, Online Therapy is possible. I use an app called Zoom currently but an open to using other platforms if requested to do so.

Is it confidential?

Yes your privacy is my priority.

How is it different from Hypnosis?

We refer to the Hypnosis element as trance so that it can be distinguished from the stage hypnosis which is very different to what we do in therapy.  You will not be asked to talk or do anything during trance – it’s a deeply relaxing experience.

Are there any dangers?

None at all.

Can everyone be hypnotised?

Most people can at the very least go into a light trance which is sufficient for the purpose of therapy.



Tried everything?

When no one else seems to have the answers, consider the possibility that you do.

Sustainable Positivity

One of the questions that I get asked by clients just starting therapy is “how can I
maintain feeling positive?”

Let’s start at the beginning

My journey from frazzled, emotionally-detached working Mum of four to calm, happy
Hypnotherapist, all within the time-frame of a year.

*currently offering online therapy sessions

Get in touch

10 + 9 =

The privilege of a lifetime
is to become who you really are“

Carl Jung